No. 5 - Gender Equality

Två medarbetare på Modul

Inclusive and diverse workplace 

At Modul, we are convinced that our core values, diversity, and gender equality enrich us individually as employees and collectively as a company, and are good for our customers and our business. As an industrial company, we are proud to be made up of 40% women, of several nationalities, young and old, with many different skills, backgrounds, and a wide range of years employed.

It is imperative for Modul to be an inclusive and diverse workplace. We strongly believe that diversity and inclusion contribute to a workplace where talents can perform at their best. We strive for a workplace where everyone feels welcome.

Gender Equality - a prerequisite for sustainable and peaceful development

We believe that gender equality is a prerequisite for sustainable and peaceful development globally. Equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys have equal rights, terms, opportunities and power to shape their own lives and contribute to society's development. It is about a fair distribution of power, influence and resources in society.

Nationally and internationally, the success of a society increases when girls and women can, through their own resources and knowledge, contribute on equal terms with boys and men. Harnessing the abilities and initiative of everyone, whether women or men, is an important driving force for development in society and in the industry.
